Business Meeting of Serbian Entrepreneurs

Republic of Serbia, Belgrade

Azzaro Green Club

Business Meeting of Serbian Entrepreneurs

Dun & Bradstreeet hosted a meeting for entrepreneurs of Serbia on September 22, 2022 in the pleasant ambiance of the Azzaro Green Club.

“We wanted to gather quality companies of Serbia and to demonstrate that our goal is still the same – to be a support system for the growth of our clients’ businesses, to conquer new markets with our business partners and friends, and to achieve results that are as great as possible.”

“As Dun & Bradstreet, we want to give our contribution to connecting the public and the private sector forming an alliance with institutions and organizations that, much like us, strive to support and to advance the economy of their regions, and, within their means, help the advancement of the business environment. This is why we have organized the meeting in cooperation with our partners, the Development Agency of Serbia and the Chamber of Commerce.

Branka Marinković, the head of the Department for Financial Analysis of Investment Projects, Department for Planning and Analysis of the Development Agency of Serbia, presented the Business Support Program State Incentive for Investments and Employment in 2022.

Bojan Stanić, The Assistant Director of the Sector for Strategic Analysis, Analytics, Services, Services and Product Packages introduced the attendees to the Information and Analytical Capacity of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

The business meeting of Serbian entrepreneurs concluded with an exchange of business experiences and networking.

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