Organizing an In-House Management Workshop in a Timber Industry Company

Organizing an In-House Management Workshop in a Timber Industry Company

In order to achieve faster growth in the EU market, a timber industry company was about to expand its production and sale in its own country, Serbia. During the transitional period, the employees faced a challenge of adaptation to the organization’s intensive expansion.

We were hired to organize and run an internal workshop, aimed at improving internal communication and interfunctional cooperation. We drafter a detailed collective action plan, summarizing the findings from preparations for the workshop and the suggestions collected through brainstorming and group discussions with the client’s staff.

On one hand, the sales and post-sales departments have increased their respective teams, converting their organization into a centralized structure. On the other hand, the newly-founded factory is still lacking in clear work procedures, which resulted in delayed responses to customer demands.

This client engaged us as an independent third party in order to enable their employees to express their opinions prior to the workshop privately and anonymously and to deal with these issues and discuss them with their colleagues during the training in a transparent, objective and organized manner.

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