HR Days –International Conference of Human Resources Management

Croatia, Rovinj (2019)

Lone Hotel by Maistra Collection

HR Days –International Conference of Human Resources Management

A two-day gathering of HR professionals from the region and the world was held on April 11 and 12 at the exclusive, 5-star hotel Lone in Rovinj, located on the coast of the Adriatic sea in the forest park Punta Corrente. The goal of this year’s conference was again exchanging previously acquired knowledge and development of new skills in the human resources field.

This year’s conference focused on leadership and development, on the matter of technology and innovation in the human resources sector as well as analyzing the trends of talent seeking and the art of recruiting new staff. Among HR lecturers who dealt with these topics were leadership expert Ben Renshaw, owner and CEO of LQ company Alen Žepec, Head of Innovation Engagement Krysia Sommers, professor of business administration, organization, and HR Kai Reinhardt of the HTW University in Berlin, Tolah HashNet Cio Mario Vojvoda, psychiatrist and docent of the University in Zagreb Maša Tonković Grabovac, Head of Early Career Programs in Beiersdorf AG corporation Cristoph Fellinger, etc.

“Expertise beyond borders” round table was held during the conference with participants including assistant of Minister of Economy Ana Mandac, a scientific associate from the Economic Institute of Zagreb Iva Tomić, representative of Institution of Higher Education Algebra Hrvoje Balen, director of the human potential from Infobip. The emphasis was placed on the job market in Croatia featuring a lack of domestic employees and employing foreigners. The trend is especially noticeable in the field of construction, tourism, hospitality, shipbuilding, and the food industry. By sharing their point of view on the current situation on the job market, panelists of the round table tried to decipher what kind of future awaits us when it comes to employing foreigners and the job market in general.

A very rich program of this year’s conference was completed with “Having coffee with the best employer” content in which representatives of the companies that won “best employer” prize shared over a cup of coffee their opinion on how researching the employee satisfaction helps them in creating company’s action plans. “Having coffee with the best employer” a round table was made up of directors and managers do companies Rasco, Bornfight, Rimac Automobil, IKEA, and DM.

With its rich content, this year’s conference has certainly equipped attendees with additional knowledge necessary for quality improvement and better business results in the HR field.

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