A Training Course for Procurement and Purchase Management Staff in a Leading Global Company for Industrial Solutions

A Training Course for Procurement and Purchase Management Staff in a Leading Global Company for Industrial Solutions

The client is a global company dedicated to the development of innovative and sustainable industrial solutions (compressors, vacuum solutions, construction and mining equipment, electric tools and assembly systems) and creating value in more than 180 countries. They had been buying numerous components and products and therefore it was important for them to retain low costs in order to establish a competition advantage.

As a considerable part of their purchasing activity takes place abroad, it was essential for them to have team of expert and efficient procurement managers to run the processes.

They asked us to prepare a full training course for their procurement and purchase management staff in order that they improve their skills and performance and achieve the desired results.

With a high share of components being traded in, our client depends on an efficient and effective procurement and supply strategy in order to keep their costs low and thus improve their competitiveness and ultimate results. For instance, when the share of the costs of materials in a product is higher than 60%, it is proved that the reduction of the costs of materials increases profit more than the increase of sales revenues does. The tactics of this strategy is to continually enable the staff to improve their knowledge and skills in this area. Internally, it was very important that different departments “speak the same language” in order that they coordinate their efforts better. Externally, it was important to better understand the supplier’s angle when business transactions are concerned in order that the negotiating position be optimized.

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