7th European Conference on Mental Health

Croatia, Split

Le Méridien Lav, Split

7th European Conference on Mental Health

A 3-day conference about mental health which gathered experts from all around the world was held at a 5-star hotel Le Meridien Lav located on the turquoise coast of the beautiful Dalmatia.

At the opening ceremony, the president of the scientific board delivered an inspiring speech which focused on emphasizing our power to make changes and rebuild ourselves. Five keynote speeches were then delivered, a round table, 120 oral presentations, and 75 poster presentations.

The conference featured rich content and deal with various topics and problems such as peer support, the challenges of introducing critical and disruptive movement, risk assessment in general, and risk of domestic abuse in mental health protection. Topics related to mental health from the pragmatic psychology point of view were also discussed as well as mental health in contemporary context, simple risk assessment-the Broset violence checklist, the mental health concept and developed theories and practices regarding the relationship between oneself, body, soul, and other hypothetical constructions that people created, rejected or changed over time, as well as numerous other mental health-related topics.

A distinctive study was presented at the conference which analyzes the mental health system in 35+ countries across Europe. The report emphasizes the need to develop mental health systems based on human rights and to continue with the transition from institutionalized to community care. The speech included a call to conference delegates to lobby for prospective members of EP concerning matters of mental health just before the European Parliament elections inMay 2019.

Topics such as “Let’s shed a light on emotional trauma and dissociative disorder in a many-sided way and brighten effective therapy care” were presented at the conference. Psychiatrist and author of the book Anssi explained the theory of trauma and dissociation in a simplified way. The subject was sustainable psychiatry on the grounds of emotional trauma, structural dissociation, and polyvagal theory, and trauma-informed care at the same time. Mai’s study “As if I wouldn’t exist-autoethnography of emotional trauma and recovery” also got attention. The study explores how irrational events and choices in life could be interpreted through structural dissociation and emotional trauma frame. The message of the presentation is TRAUMA CAN BE CURED.

We can conclude that the conference more than fulfilled the expectations of attendees and special praise is given to the warm and relaxing atmosphere.

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