The 17th European Congress of Psychology is organized by the Slovenian Psychologists Association under the auspices of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA) and with support from three mayor Slovenian universities, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Mayor and the City Council of Ljubljana, the Slovenian Tourist Board and other prominent organisations
European Congresses create opportunities for conversation, reflection, and learning. They offer new insights and skills in a collegial and appreciative community. For us as Psychologists, this 17th European Congress of Psychology is an occasion to reflect on our professional competences also in dialogue with other sciences and professions.
Diverse changes bring special challenges for Psychology. This has just been made clear once again by the time of the pandemic. These challanges are certainly surpassed now by the consequences of the war in Ukraine. For this our congress is also a platform so that good ideas are developed, and effective help is provided. And the concern for peopless lives in freedom and self-determination, as well as the concern for sustainable development, will certainly keep us engaged for the foreseeable future.
Psychology is manifold, and with this diversity it offers great possibilities to meet individual problems and societal challenges.
Psychological theory and practice also reflect the skills of other sciences and professions. The strength of Psychology as a hub science is always a challenge, but also an obligation. The immense challenges facing society demand that we build bridges to other sciences and professions and cooperate intensively with them.
We all want to use our knowledge and skills in dialogue with other sciences and in cooperation with other professions to help. ECP 2022 invited us to reflect our strengths, to develop our competencies, and to strengthen our identity. This Congress was the best place to celebrate unity of Psychology and to develop its richness in dialogue with other sciences and professions. Psychology helps to connect, especially at the ECP 2022 in Ljubljana!