Partner Identification and a Strategic Analysis of a Global Fashion Brand Supply Chain

Partner Identification and a Strategic Analysis of a Global Fashion Brand Supply Chain

The client, a global fashion brand based in Serbia, was present in the European market during the past decade. However, their operations were run by a third party, which also managed physical and online stores and distribution. Now the client has set out to enter the European market on their own and asked us to help them identify the best partner in Italy for the distribution and development of the supply chain strategy. The project was aimed at identifying the best partner on the basis of variables such as the strategic geographic location, fashion experience, distribution capacities and costs. Besides, the study also included a comprehensive overview of the Italian logistic landscape, a peer benchmark study within the industry and a supply chain set-up analysis.

By entering the Italian market, the client gains full control not only over distribution and sales in Italy, but also over marketing, branding and expansion planning within the business formerly run by their partner. The client also gains full access to all the sales and distribution data, which provides them with a deeper level of internal data analysis, which was fully outsourced before.

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