Virtual Procurement Office: Recruiting Procurement Specialists

Virtual Procurement Office: Recruiting Procurement Specialists

A client offering a broad range of product segments wished to expand their business operations further. They requested an analysis of Serbian market trends and a forecast of risks of relocation of their sources to Serbia.

The project was aimed at enabling the client’s business operations to grow further, in terms of procurements in Serbia through the work of a virtual procurement office.

The first step in the project was the recruitment of procurement specialists. We were tasked with managing the entire process aimed at the recruitment of a source manager to be stationed in the Serbian office. The recruitment process covers each step, from the initial CV screening, interview organizing, to the signing and the acceptance of the selected candidate. Following recruitment, we continually assisted in the work of the virtual procurement office by giving support in work with human resources in administration.

A client with extensive experience working with suppliers worldwide felt a need to strengthen their source base in the Serbian region. Based on the results of our client business operations analysis, Belgrade was regarded as the most suitable place for a procurement office. The Serbian procurement office was first tested for the procurement of furniture and other related household products, which is something that has already earned Serbia a strong position at the global market. Consequently, there is a large number of procurement specialists in this area. It was a challenge for us to identify the candidates that might fulfill the various demands of our clients. The true candidates did not require extensive experience in the procurement of our client’s target products only, but they also had to be experienced in serving European clients. Further, they had to have the right character and the suitable personality type in order to fit into the diversified working culture of our client.

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